Serving Malden, MA and areas north of Boston.
Two Guys and a Truck Junk Removal in Malden, MA is here to help with all your junk removal needs.
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important information that we need to convey to our residents or businesses, we want you to stay connected with the City of Malden. ... Connect with Malden
The Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for a variety of City services including the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste; snow removal, plowing and sanding; street sweeping, upkeep and repairs to sidewalks and streets; maintenance of parks; city-wide tree maintenance and planting; anti-graffiti efforts; pavement marking maintenance; signage and traffic signalization; and, storm water system maintenance and drainage repairs. Malden is a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) community where residents pay for the trash they dispose. It affects persons living in households up to six units. It allows each household to control its volume of trash disposal and encourages recycling. All residents must use official light blue City of Malden trash bags. Under the PAYT program, recyclables and yard waste are collected at no additional cost. (Recyclables are picked up weekly and yard waste collection is on a seasonal schedule).The department also holds hazardous waste recycling days throughout the year.
Malden is a city in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. At the time of the 2010 United States Census, the population was at 59,450 people. In 2009, Malden was named the "Best Place to Raise Your Kids" in Massachusetts by Bloomberg Businessweek.[3][4]
The following is a list of items designated "hazardous" under Department of Environmental Protection guidelines:
--Automotive Batteries
--Nickel Cadmium Batteries
--Any oil based product, including paint and motor oil
--Cathode Ray Tubes, including televisions and computer monitors
--VCRs and tape decks
--Fluorescent light bulbs
These items must be disposed of on a Hazardous Waste Recycling Day conducted seasonaly by the DPW. For additional information, contact the Department of Public Works at (781) 397-7160 or check your collection calendar for hazardous waste collection days.
Malden’s street sweeping program runs from May 1st – November 1st and during this time, streets are swept on a regular schedule. During a scheduled sweep, vehicles must be removed from one or both sides of the street or be subject to a parking violation. Please use our Street Sweeping App by typing your address in the search box below to find the sweeping schedule associated with that specific address.
Here a few important points of information about our street sweeping program:
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